bscontrolpanel is the latest addition to the CMS used for The basic concepts are based on how django.contrib.admin works in that it dynamically builds a control panel app. With bscontrolpanel standard views are built and registered which allows for a user oriented control panel rather than the developer orient admin control panel.

Unlike django.contrib.admin, the goal of this app is not to just quickly build an admin where all relationships can be easily seen and data can be managed, it is to allow streamlined, easy to use control panel views to be created and live within the app they are for, but all appear under a single base url such as /controlpanel/ and automatically appear in the control panel with no modification to the controlpanel app.

Usage: To use bscontrolpanel, add bscontrolpanel to your INSTALLED_APPS in and set up a url route for it in your site's

In import bscontrolpanel bscontrolpanel.autodiscover()

urlpatterns = patterns('',
                       #url(r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
                       #url(r'^admin/', include(,
                       url(r'^controlpanel/', include(,
                       # your other views

After that create a for any of the apps that you want in the control panel. Your may contain views, or you can keep them in your usual, and should register any of the control panel views.

Here's a simple

import bscontrolpanel
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext

def blog_post(request):

    return render_to_response(
        )'Blog', blog_post, printable_name='New Post') takes four arguments. The first two are not optional They are app_name and the view. app_name: The app_name should be the name of the app or something appropriate which is related. It is used to group control panel views and will be a menu header in the control panel using the default templates. It is also used to construct the url path to the control panel view.

view: The view can be a callable as in the example or a string to be lazily resolved such as 'bsblog.views.post_controlpanel'. This is also used as a default for the menu option for this view and to construct the url for the view.

The next two are optional and are printable_name and view_path.

view_path: This can be used to set the last part of the url used to display the control panel view. It will be sluggified to be safe and if not provided defaults to the view provided.

printable_name: If provided this will be used for the menu option which links to this view. If not provided then this defaults to match the view_path.

With the examples above the finaly URL would be http://yourserver/controlpanel/Blog/blog_post/

Nothing to see here, move along.


Aug 01, 2012
Page updated:
Aug 01, 2012
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